Instagram for Art - Real or just another reel?

As an Artist, social media is like a Gallery in the sky– I can put up a post and show my work to thousands of people at the touch of a digit on a little blue tick. But that Gallery has a dark side which really gets on my goat – as it were. It’s like a voracious monster that has to be fed. The “social-queen” at school that everybody has to be on good terms with. It’s some sort of 21st Century measure of your popularity and ‘coolness’. I was always a fringe-dweller at school which is probably why the INSTA-Queen rankles me.

At the moment, I’m definitely on the out. I can’t get traction whatever I post, whatever time I post – it drives me completely up the wall. I’ve read the advice from the experts – ask questions, engage your audience… I don’t know whether I’m just thick, but I can’t help feeling it’s pretty obvious when I ask “What’s your favourite tool?” or “What podcast do you listen to when you paint?” that I’m only garnering engagement to please the mighty machine in the hope that it will slip my post into the scroll of a thousand flicking fingers.

I go the extra mile though – if you comment on a post or DM me a heart I will ALWAYS comment back or send those pleading/praying hands which encapsulate my heartfelt gratitude so succinctly. The only time I draw the line is if you are a man draped over a car with a stethoscope round your neck. If that’s you, and there are many of you, sorry but your hairy chest, medical concern with my beating heart and your sporty wheels just don’t cut it for me. Try another account… which of course you do.

The other advice is to make sure your account looks unified and pretty. Well, I try… I post my Art, that’s colourful – but I use a range of colours in my paintings so I can’t be thematic in my colour choice. It’s kind of reflective of what I’m painting at the moment – which is my point actually.

Shouldn’t my account reflect ME? My life? My life isn’t neatly arranged and in pretty shades of only blue. It’s a bit hectic over here, I’m busy and somewhat unaligned, my house needs a jolly good clean – which is exactly what my Instagram account reflects (although I do spare my followers the state of the floors).

Be vulnerable, they say. Let your audience connect with you. I am vulnerable – I’ve had sadness, I’ve had death. I’ve got kids – I’m vulnerable every day. But I’m a private kind of person – remember I’m a fringe dweller – I observe and when all possible threats have been assessed and diverted, I connect with a chosen few. But I connect authentically – telling the world about my innermost insecurities and heartfelt concerns in order to get a few more follows … well, really?

I think that’s the problem, I’m not prepared to play the game. I will post what I want, when I can and connect with who genuinely likes my work – authentically.

I’ve met some really lovely people on Instagram and Facebook and I love how our lives have connected in spite of the geography between us. I’ve even met a few in real life and it’s felt like re-uniting with an old friend. This is the value of social media for me. Of course, I have to mention the ability to keep connection with friends and family – complete with PICTURES and of course emojis! Oh, and I’ve sold a few paintings as well, which always generates a flurry of those grateful praying hands.

The big juggernaut of SM can direct its orders elsewhere – I’ll not colour co-ordinate, I’ll not bare my soul – (happy to share a few salient facts though) and I won’t ask dumb questions. I’ll not have a gigantic following and weald my power and influence over the world. I guess I’m happy with that, I’m too busy – I’ve got floors to clean!

If you would like to check my Instagram account out here it is. No pressure, and no stethoscopes allowed.

I also have a facebook group called THE UPBEAT ARTISTS GROUP which is full of genuine, creative people playing with paint and encouraging each other. Come and join us.