social media

Tips to Title Your Painting

Tips to Title Your Painting

Now it’s time to carefully sign my name in the bottom right corner, lay down an isolation coat, a couple of coats of varnish and ….. drumroll please, GIVE IT A TITLE. The signing and finishing coats are simple, consider them done! But the title – ugh. My brain slumps in my head, solitary dying sparks fizzle – I’ve got nothing. Not a clue or even a microscopic gem of an idea. NOTHING!!

How A Self-Doubter Became A BELIEVER

How A Self-Doubter Became A BELIEVER

At what point did I decide to stand up, fluff up my feathers and start squarking? (Is that a word?) On reflection two momentous events happened that woke me up. Firstly, my father died.

Instagram for Art - Real or just another reel?

Instagram for Art - Real or just another reel?

As an Artist, social media is like a Gallery in the sky– I can put up a post and show my work to thousands of people at the touch of a digit on a little blue tick. But that Gallery has a dark side which really gets on my goat – as it were. It’s like a voracious monster that has to be fed. The “social-queen” at school that everybody has to be on good terms with. It’s some sort of 21st Century measure of your popularity and ‘coolness’. I was always a fringe-dweller at school which is probably why the INSTA-Queen rankles me.