How to Draw with Expression and Allow the Magic to Happen
Blind contour drawings are when you draw without looking at the paper directly, instead you only look at the paper for short moments. I love this style of drawing to gain freedom from realism and to build more character in the work. In this video I show you how to combine Blind Contour drawing with abstract use of media.
Create Depth and Interest in your Painting with Stencils
This video takes a look at the stencils I made and teaches you how to use stencils to create depth, direction and interest into your paintings. In this video I explain: How to choose colours in order to create contrast and direction in your painting and how to use stencil shapes that mimic negative or positive shapes to create rhythm and interest.
How To Paint A Memory In Under An Hour
In this video, I will take you through the process of creating a painting based on a memory. We will use the technique of building up layers of paint and line to create depth and meaning. This is a very personal project which helps us draw upon our emotions and experiences, this creates something unique and special.
How To Improve Your Painting by Using Contrast
When we're painting, we often struggle to make certain parts of it work. And while struggling with that part, we begin to forget other things around it. But by doing this, we're avoiding making good parts of the picture even better by putting something opposite next to them. In this video I'll explain how you can use this 'opposite' element in your painting to help the good parts of your work shine.
A Journey in Paint & Mixedmedia: Layers of Shape and Line
How to Find the Colour and Shape Heroes in Your Abstract Painting
In this week's Vlog I have made a small painting in my sketchbook following my process of building up layers. But what it demonstrates as well as building an interesting surface, and the introduction of the use of stencils is how to give strength to the hero's in the painting. Prioritizing the colour heroes as well as the shapes and elements in the painting that are important to the success of the composition.
Two Styles Of Painting From Simple Shapes
So on the strength of that I thought let's play with those shapes again!! So this week, using the same shapes again - but DIFFERENTLY - I'll show you how I made a painting in a much looser style and then integrated it with the first painting which was made with an arrangement of more clearly defined shapes.
Watch the Vlog to see what I did.
How I Create Unique Shapes for Abstract Painting
Using Drawing To Solve Design Issues
In this Vlog, I talk about the composition process and show examples of Picasso's drawings. He of course didn't have a SMART phone or Photoshop to help him nut out design issues - he used pencil and paper. And his small composition studies are the perfect example of this type of drawing. Watch the Vlog to see.
Painting with Less Than 5 Colours
Finding Clarity In Collage & Paint
This is part of my new exploration - botanicals, media, drawing... It gets muddled in the middle but I find some clarity in the end - so stick around to the end to see where it ends up. I like the possibilities it presents for building meaning and relevance into my work - it's a step forward I think. Watch the vlog.