painting process

Demo in How to Paint Intuitively - Techniques to Try

Demo in How to Paint Intuitively - Techniques to Try

In this demonstration I show you how I paint intuitively. See how many different techniques I use to create interest in the Painting. And listen to how I navigate my way to finish the painting - what am I looking for and how do I find the direction in the piece?

Then get your paints and painting tools out and give it a try yourself!

How to Create a Mixedmedia Abstract Landscape Painting

How to Create a Mixedmedia Abstract Landscape Painting

Using acrylic paint, ink and drawing media in this video I demonstrate how to create an abstract landscape painting. This technique can be used to create a painting of a place from your memory or to create a landscape you’ve only imagined. Watch as the painting emerges from building layers of colour and then by adding suggestive details at the end the landscape is found. This is an exciting way to paint!

When and How to Create Large Paintings

When and How to Create Large Paintings

Is it time to upscale your Art? In this video I discuss why people often go large too soon and what you need to consider before you decide to create larger work. I share my process of painting large scale, show the tools I use and invite you to come along with me as I work on a large painting.

How to Paint the FEELING of a Garden in COLOUR

How to Paint the FEELING of a Garden in COLOUR

In my sketchbook this week I explored painting some Canna Lillies. I didn’t want to paint how they looked - I wanted to paint how they felt - focusing mainly on their vibrant colour and the movement of their broad leaves and upright sturdy stems. Watch in this video how I build depth through layering with thick and thin paint, suggesting details with loose drawing and build a rich vibrant colourful painting. Pick a few stems from your garden, take time to colour match in paint and then build your beautiful paintings in layers too.

How to Use Thick and Thin Paint to Create a Stunning Painting Surface

How to Use Thick and Thin Paint to Create a Stunning Painting Surface

I like to build a beautiful surface on my paintings, and in this video I focus on contrasting thick and thin paint to build a luscious painterly surface. I’ll show you how I do this on 4 paintings I’m currently working on so that you can see my painting process at work. Join me in my studio!

The BEST 6 TIPS on How To Get Started with Abstract Art

The BEST 6 TIPS on How To Get Started with Abstract Art

If you’re wanting to move into creating Abstract Art there is lots of advice out there. I’ve discovered that asking Google HOW TO CREATE ABSTRACT ART resulted in bad advice. In this video, I go through why Google has it wrong and what my BEST 6 TIPS are.

Knowing THE STAGES OF A PAINTING gives you a roadmap so you won’t get stuck

Knowing THE STAGES OF A PAINTING gives you a roadmap so you won’t get stuck

When people get stuck in their work it's usually because they are trying to do something when they're not ready or asking the wrong questions at the wrong time in the development of the work.

Once they know at what stage they're at with the work and what they should be focusing on then they know what questions to ask.

For example, if you're at the beginning stage of a painting you don't start analysing whether you've got the colours right, or whether the design is strong. Those are questions for later.

In this week's Vlog I demonstrate what to focus on at the various stages of developing a painting.

Abstract Art Painting Demo with Stencils and Adhesive Frisket Shapes

Abstract Art Painting Demo with Stencils and Adhesive Frisket Shapes

To ensure my finished paintings have a luscious surface full of surprising paint effects I have found that working in multiples and laying down a foundation of experimenting with different materials and techniques delivers the effects I want in the finished painting.

In this video I demonstrate these techniques as I begin to create 10 abstract paintings at one time. By working in multiples and using glazes and solid paint effects I am able to create a series of work that are unique, all different and yet share the same language.

How to Create a Painting By Playing with Acrylic Paint and Dry Media

How to Create a Painting By Playing with Acrylic Paint and Dry Media

The best way to find ideas for paintings is through play. Playing with materials and discovering new effects and then responding to what you see developing in front of you is my painting process. Watch this video as I demonstrate this intuitive process of finding a painting through play. See how long it takes before an idea starts to emerge and I find my direction, and then watch as I fine-tune the painting to finish it.

Producing A Group of Paintings Together Makes The BEST Artwork

Producing A Group of Paintings Together Makes The BEST Artwork

If I could tell you the ONE thing that improved my work the most - this is it. Working on a group of paintings together improves results because what you learn in one painting can be directly applied to others. In this video, I show you how I do this by using 5 paintings in mid-process to demonstrate how ideas can be applied to multiple works and how my paintings took big leaps forward as a result.

5 Methods to Build Connection with the Title of your Painting

5 Methods to Build Connection with the Title of your Painting

THe title of your painting needs to build connection and engage the viewer. But it shouldn't be too literal or narrow limiting the viewers experience. In this video I share 5 strategies to finding a great title.

A Journey in Paint & Mixedmedia: Layers of Shape and Line

A Journey in Paint & Mixedmedia: Layers of Shape and Line

I'm back on track.  And this week is a Vlog showing you a small painting I did on paper (not in my sketchbook) that I really enjoyed and helped me believe again. Watch the Vlog

Painting and Drawing with Nature

Painting and Drawing with Nature

Creating the most beautiful surface by layering with marks made using natural tools. I've ditched the brush and pencil and experimented with twigs, leaves, homemade brushes and other living tools. Now I'm in love!

How to Paint Flowers Without Going MAD on Detail

How to Paint Flowers Without Going MAD on Detail

What I want to paint is the FEELING of the flower - the delicacy, the nodding of the flower atop it's long stem, the curly leaves.... I want to paint the sense of the flower.

In this weeks Vlog I demonstrate how I went about doing that.

Finding Your Next Best Painting in 3 Easy Steps

Finding Your Next Best Painting in 3 Easy Steps

This video shows you an easy way to create new ideas for your next painting without spending hours, days, weeks, and months staring at blank canvases trying to think of what to paint. The answer is right in front of you, in your current work.

Building Surface To Paint On

Building Surface To Paint On

In this week's Vlog, I'm showing you how I prepared my paper for a couple of collages I did. The collages will come to you later but watch the Vlog to see what I did first.

Creating Your Best Art

Creating Your Best Art

In this weeks Vlog I share with you two aspects of my process that I think make the biggest difference to creating my best work. Watch the Vlog.

How To Paint With Courage

How To Paint With Courage

In this week's Vlog, I'm sharing a hack with you. How to EASE yourself into being courageous while painting. Soon you'll find yourself making all those bold moves that you think only OTHER crazy kamikaze artists do...

Have a look.

Paint Play: Adding & Subtracting

Paint Play: Adding & Subtracting

I've found the 'thing' or group of things then it's time to apply LESS IS MORE. So I'll start to edit and take away what I don't need. This is basically the process I use in all my work: Add, add, add... then subtract. Watch the vlog to see.