abstract journey

What to focus on when finishing your Abstract Painting

What to focus on when finishing your Abstract Painting

How do you know when your abstract painting is finished? In this video, I take you through the process with one of my paintings, showing you what I didn’t like about it and how I fixed it and finished the work. I talk about what I focus on and what questions I ask the painting in order to gain clarity around what steps to take next.

1. Make a big move to disrupt the work and make a big change
2. Rotate the work so you see it differently
3. Ask: What have I got?
4. Look for repetition and ask: Do I need this? Have I already got this somewhere else?
5. Is my eye led around the composition?

When you have worked through these questions, and you’re happy with the work, stand back and walk away. Look at it again after a few days to see if you still feel the same.

What to Consider in Choosing a Frame for your Artwork

What to Consider in Choosing a Frame for your Artwork

In this video I share the most important considerations when choosing a frame. After completing your gorgeous painting you don’t want to choose the wrong frame, so it’s important to take some time and figure out what type of frame will suit the painting best. Your frame should enhance the artwork, not be a distraction to it.

Who to listen to about YOUR Art

Who to listen to about YOUR Art

Seeking advice from the wrong people can derail our art and steer us in the wrong direction. It’s so important we don’t fall into the trap of asking the wrong people just because it’s convenient. We need to find company that supports our work and helps us to make our best work. When we ask the wrong people we get bad advice and it’s often biased towards making work to please others - often our nearest and dearest. In this video I talk about seeking the opinion of others, why it’s important and where to find the best advice.

How to make your art stronger

How to make your art stronger

Getting clear around what your abstract painting is about is vital if you want to make it stand out and attract attention. So often abstract art can be overwhelming and confusing becuase the artist hasn’t decided what the painting is REALLY about. In this video I talk you through what to look for in your work to discover where it’s strengths lie and how to make it stronger and more powerful. How to make it stand out from all the other work on the Gallery wall.

Don’t miss out on my upcoming Workshop. I’ll be demonstrating through guided painting videos and Live Calls, how you can make art you love consistently with a process you can trust. June 24 - 28, 2024 register here: https://www.judywoodsart.com/starts-wkshp-reg-june-2024-soc

What to Do When Your Painting Is A Disaster!

What to Do When Your Painting Is A Disaster!

Sometimes your painting session just goes WRONG! We all have days like that. In this video you will see me create a really Ugly painting - I never intended to - it just WENT WRONG! But then I fixed it. So watch the process of finding a new direction and resolving a mess. There are some fundamental studio practices that we can learn from this

🎨 when conditions in the studio are not right - don’t just persevere - correct the problem

🎨 Take a break, always walk away from a painting when you’re getting frustrated - otherwise you’ll continue to make bad decisions

🎨 Come back to it when you’re ready, with clean brushes, clean water and a fresh paint palette

🎨 Trust yourself and your process. If you don’t have a process you can trust - GET ONE! Check out my stARTs Course: https://www.judywoodsart.com/starts1

What I do after the Gesso

What I do after the Gesso

In this video, I demonstrate what I do after I’ve applied a couple of coats of Gesso. I use black and white Gesso so that my painting already has a variety of marks, effects and tonal values. My process is intuitive - I don’t have a plan, but rather decide and respond to the colours and paint effects that arrive through experimentation. There is a method that I use to avoid creating a mess which has no direction which could happen when painting in this explorative way.

Watch the video to see how I start my paintings with colour and line and make sure you watch to the end to see a surprise tip for getting the BEST results.

Drawing with Freedom & Expression for BEST RESULTS

Drawing with Freedom & Expression for BEST RESULTS

The key to good drawing is OBSERVATION!! Having the ability to observe the subject and represent it on paper doesn’t have to be a laborious exercise. Instead, by keenly observing the subject and allowing your pencil the freedom to record what you see AS YOU SEE IT you can create a drawing that has personality and is much more expressive. This type of drawing will convey a feeling rather than recording a photographic likeness. This is my favourite type of drawing.

In this video I show some examples of figure drawing done during a Drama Festival while I was watching young actors on stage. Then in my sketchbook, back in my studio I draw my daughter in the same style and this time create a composition with abstract shapes, line and markmaking. Watch to see how I integrate the drawing with the painting and use different media within the work.

A Quick Exercise to Create Good Design

A Quick Exercise to Create Good Design

Recognizing good design in your painting is imperative to being able to create successful artwork. So exercising your ‘design muscle’ so that you can recognize and create good design and correct bad design is part of an artists creative fitness routine! In this video I show you a quick exercise you can do in your sketchbook using pages from an old Calendar. Ripping these up to create new and interesting shape and linear combinations, and then improve the design by layering more collage over the top. All you need is some bold graphic collage material and some glue. Within a fun half hour you will have created a bold design that could be the inspiration for new work. Have fun!

My Painting Process from Beginning to End

My Painting Process from Beginning to End

In this video I’m creating a big red painting from beginning to end. I’m often asked how long it takes to create a painting. Well this video will give you an insight into my process. My paintings are created by going on a journey: playing, experimenting with media, and looking for direction in design by what excites me.

👉Take note of how I alternate between using acrylic paint and dry media: pencils, pastels and oil sticks.

👉Look at how I integrate collage at the beginning of the painting to provide surface interest.

👉Watch me use templates to create unique and interesting shapes.

👉Listen as I explain how I know I’m finished at the end of the video.

How to take MORE RISKS and create successful Paintings

How to take MORE RISKS and create successful Paintings

To relinquish control with paint and mixed media requires risk which can be scarey especially when we have paintings that we care about and don’t want to ruin. When creating abstract paintings it’s essential we explore and experiment with paint, ink, drawing media - everything! So how do you take the risks when painting and try out new techniques and methods but still ensure your paintings are successful? In this video I talk about how I learnt to have confidence in taking risks. I give you my top tips: 1) Practice in a sketchbook where mistakes and messes don’t matter. This is where you can discover painting techniques that work and how to combine wet and dry media successfully; 2) Use a notebook to jot down your discoveries so that you don’t waste time in the studio and can pick up where you left off easily; and 3) When you feel confident, use the techniques and painting knowledge you’ve learnt on your paintings to create strong, exciting work.

Your Guide When Mixing Colour in Abstract Painting

Your Guide When Mixing Colour in Abstract Painting

In this video I demonstrate how to use your first colour choice to guide your second colour choice…. until you have a beautiful harmonious colour palette to create an abstract painting. This is simply knowing the right question to ask about the colour you have already mixed when faced with the conundrum about what colour to mix next! Watch the video and then get colour-mixing!!

Exploring Ideas from Collage with Acrylic Paint

Exploring Ideas from Collage with Acrylic Paint

In this video I take ideas from a collage and develope them with acrylic paint. Integrating line, texture, shape and using a limited colour range I demonstrate how to create a composition different from the original collage yet still maintaining some similarities through the elements used. This is an exercise in restraint as it forces the artist to focus on just a few elements to integrate with new media. Watch the video and then have a go working from a collage or another painting done earlier in the same way. 1. Identify the elements you want to focus on, and then 2. with different media create a new composition using these elements again but this time in a new way.

Discovering Depth in BLUE Acrylic Layers

Discovering Depth in BLUE Acrylic Layers

In this video I demonstrate how to build depth by using a range of Blues. By varying transparency and opacity and building the surface in layers you can create beautiful effects in Blue.

The BEST Way to get INSPIRED again with paint

The BEST Way to get INSPIRED again with paint

When life gets in the way of our art, it’s easy to lose our Mojo, find ourselves procrastinating and doubting our ability. Here’s a simple way to get back into your work as an artist and find the joy and love again. Watch as I explain why this happens and how to overcome negative feelings by playing a simple game with paint.

The BEST 6 TIPS on How To Get Started with Abstract Art

The BEST 6 TIPS on How To Get Started with Abstract Art

If you’re wanting to move into creating Abstract Art there is lots of advice out there. I’ve discovered that asking Google HOW TO CREATE ABSTRACT ART resulted in bad advice. In this video, I go through why Google has it wrong and what my BEST 6 TIPS are.

Abstract Art Painting Demo with Stencils and Adhesive Frisket Shapes

Abstract Art Painting Demo with Stencils and Adhesive Frisket Shapes

To ensure my finished paintings have a luscious surface full of surprising paint effects I have found that working in multiples and laying down a foundation of experimenting with different materials and techniques delivers the effects I want in the finished painting.

In this video I demonstrate these techniques as I begin to create 10 abstract paintings at one time. By working in multiples and using glazes and solid paint effects I am able to create a series of work that are unique, all different and yet share the same language.