acrylic painting

Exploring Ideas from Collage with Acrylic Paint

Exploring Ideas from Collage with Acrylic Paint

In this video I take ideas from a collage and develope them with acrylic paint. Integrating line, texture, shape and using a limited colour range I demonstrate how to create a composition different from the original collage yet still maintaining some similarities through the elements used. This is an exercise in restraint as it forces the artist to focus on just a few elements to integrate with new media. Watch the video and then have a go working from a collage or another painting done earlier in the same way. 1. Identify the elements you want to focus on, and then 2. with different media create a new composition using these elements again but this time in a new way.

Discovering Depth in BLUE Acrylic Layers

Discovering Depth in BLUE Acrylic Layers

In this video I demonstrate how to build depth by using a range of Blues. By varying transparency and opacity and building the surface in layers you can create beautiful effects in Blue.

How to Create a Painting By Playing with Acrylic Paint and Dry Media

How to Create a Painting By Playing with Acrylic Paint and Dry Media

The best way to find ideas for paintings is through play. Playing with materials and discovering new effects and then responding to what you see developing in front of you is my painting process. Watch this video as I demonstrate this intuitive process of finding a painting through play. See how long it takes before an idea starts to emerge and I find my direction, and then watch as I fine-tune the painting to finish it.

Soft Painting Using Sketchbook

Soft Painting Using Sketchbook

So when I decided I was well enough to spend a little time in my studio I was in a quiet frame of mind. No strong value contrasts, no loud music.... just soft colours, subtle differences and gentle play.

I switched on RECORD, and this little session in my studio is the subject of this week's Vlog.

The First Layers

The First Layers

This video shows the process of creating the first few layers of one of my latest paintings. I collaged with fabric and then applied paint and dry drawing media. Watch as I show you the process of how I bring life to the surface.

Taking A Painting Backwards

Taking A Painting Backwards

We all want to finish our paintings, but sometimes we have to take them a few steps backward in order to finish them. This takes courage and big moves, but in my experience always results in a better outcome. In this short Vlog, I demonstrate the process of taking a painting backward to finish it.

The Beauty of Multiples

The Beauty of Multiples

Working in multiples is a game-changer in producing work of higher quality, reducing anxiety during the process and maintaining consistency throughout your artwork. Watch as I talk you through my most recent series of paintings and how working on one informs the decisions made in the others.

Permission To Paint

Permission To Paint

Do you give yourself permission to paint? When there are pressing demands on your time it’s worthwhile to evaluate the importance of the attention you give to your Art. What it means to you and why you want to spend time playing with paint.

Building Layers with Mixed Media

Building Layers with Mixed Media

How do you integrate drawing and painting techniques in your artwork? Watch how I vary wet and dry media with differences in types of paint application. Working in this way holds my interest in the process and delivers variety to work with going forward.

Painting with Total Abandon

Painting with Total Abandon

The journey from difficulty and confusion to clarity and joy. That’s the path we are all on with our Art. We are all at different stages of that path – some at the beginning bogged down among the weeds, and others further along emerging into openness where the path widens and the walking is more easy. We can kind of see the way forward – a bit.

How To Catch The Viewer's Eye?

How To Catch The Viewer's Eye?

How do we get the viewer to notice our work? What makes us look twice at something? Knowing how to attract the viewers eye helps us to make more powerful Art.

Do the Groundwork Women!

Do the Groundwork Women!

My most recent experience of husbands getting involved with choosing artwork had not ended happily. ‘Dance Steps for Men’ was rejected by a husband (who I assumed couldn’t dance) after his poor wife had come from out of town to see it and almost had the picture hook nailed into her living room wall in anticipation.

Opposites & Aliens

Opposites & Aliens

When I paint I ask myself a series of questions. My number 1 question is: What is the Opposite of...? Finding a balance between Opposites and Relationships delivers harmony and interest in your work. Watch the video as I demonstrate using one of my favourite paintings.

How to Start a Painting

How to Start a Painting

Some people agonize over starting their paintings, which is a shame really because it’s like setting off on an adventure – but the best sort of adventure. You don’t have to scale heights, get wet, lost or hungry, you don’t even have to leave home. But you ARE venturing into the unknown with very little idea of what will result from the experience.

Photo Transfers

Learn how to do Photo Transfers.

Materials used: Heavy Gel Medium onto Laserjet Photocopy on photocopying paper

Then Soft Gel Gloss to stick the Photo-skin to the painting surface.

Questions to ask...

New Beginnings...

New Beginnings...

I also really enjoyed letting loose with drawing and using dry media a lot more in my paintings when I was working on the large sized paintings. This added a playful looseness which I really liked and prevented me working in a straight-line towards finishing when after each painting session I would draw and scribble over the painting. Coming back into it the next day I would cover a lot of the drawing over but the little remnants that peeped through were really fun suggesting a naivety which I liked.

Finishing a Painting II

Finishing a Painting II

Follow the final moves as I bring this mixedmedia painting to it’s finished state. This painting integrates photocopied images with paint and collage.

Is there ‘Precious’ in your Studio?

Is there ‘Precious’ in your Studio?

Finally, the insistent call of the outside world drags us away and we close the studio door on that tangled grid-locked mess of paint, hope, and self-belief. As we square up to the dishwasher and the dusting that secret smile is now a nagging sense of dread. Am I good enough? Why can’t I figure this out? I’ve killed my precious ….

Finishing a Painting

Finishing a Painting

Watch the finishing stage of this mixed media painting with photo collage. In this video I demonstrate how I finished the painting, analysed what it needed and made final changes.