EXPRESSIVE PAINTING - How To Love The Accident and Still Maintain Control

EXPRESSIVE PAINTING - How To Love The Accident and Still Maintain Control

The accidental marks and effects with paint can often be the most expressive. In this video I share with you how to allow the accidental to happen while still maintaining control of the media so that your work can have more energy, be more expressive and be rich in abstract detail.

How To Start By Playing With Paint and End With A Finished Painting You Love

How To Start By Playing With Paint and End With A Finished Painting You Love

It’s exciting to start a painting but do you have trouble finishing it? In this video I show you how to start by just playing with media and then a great tip to quickly add interest and intriguing, surprising elements into your work. Then I take you through how to clarify your composition and create a strong finished artwork.

Create Your BEST Paintings with These Simple DIY Shapes

 Create Your BEST Paintings with These Simple DIY Shapes

The best art relies on great design. So how do you ensure the design in your abstract painting is strong? In this video, I show you step-by-step a great tip for finding strong design ideas for abstract paintings using work you already have. I’ll show you how to create your own unique shapes and then demonstrate how you can use these to generate ideas for future work.

Overcome the Overwhelm When Starting A Painting with this Simple Process

Overcome the Overwhelm When Starting A Painting with this Simple Process

This video will give you 2 techniques for getting started when you have a new canvas, that is fast and effective and will help to kickstart your creative process so that you can begin your painting easily and with beautiful and exciting results.

Mastering Subtle Texture in Your Painting with White Paint and Glazes: Tips and Techniques

Mastering Subtle Texture in Your Painting with White Paint and Glazes: Tips and Techniques

In this video, I'll be sharing my top tips for creating beautiful, subtle texture in your paintings using white paint and glazes. By using a light touch with these tips and techniques you can achieve subtle and nuanced effects that elevate your work. I'll also be sharing my go-to technique for harmonizing colors. These techniques create a visually striking effect that pulls your painting together and makes it feel cohesive. I hope this video inspires you to experiment with these techniques in your own artwork!

My Top Tips For Building Incredible Texture In Your Work

My Top Tips For Building Incredible Texture In Your Work

Ready to take your paintings to the next level? By paying attention to the surface of your artwork, you can create depth and interest with beautiful textural effects to draw your viewer in close. So lets get started on taking your paintings from flat to FABULOUS!

How I Developed An Idea From A Finished Painting Into New Art

How I Developed An Idea From A Finished Painting Into New Art

How you get inspiration for new work? Inspiration, I think, is the most important part of the creative process. This clip shows how one piece of art can inspire another - where a finished painting can be mined for ideas that can be used to start a new piece.

How to Draw with Expression and Allow the Magic to Happen

How to Draw with Expression and Allow the Magic to Happen

Blind contour drawings are when you draw without looking at the paper directly, instead you only look at the paper for short moments. I love this style of drawing to gain freedom from realism and to build more character in the work. In this video I show you how to combine Blind Contour drawing with abstract use of media.

Create Depth and Interest in your Painting with Stencils

Create Depth and Interest in your Painting with Stencils

This video takes a look at the stencils I made and teaches you how to use stencils to create depth, direction and interest into your paintings. In this video I explain: How to choose colours in order to create contrast and direction in your painting and how to use stencil shapes that mimic negative or positive shapes to create rhythm and interest.

How To Paint A Memory In Under An Hour

How To Paint A Memory In Under An Hour

In this video, I will take you through the process of creating a painting based on a memory. We will use the technique of building up layers of paint and line to create depth and meaning. This is a very personal project which helps us draw upon our emotions and experiences, this creates something unique and special.

How To Improve Your Painting by Using Contrast

How To Improve Your Painting by Using Contrast

When we're painting, we often struggle to make certain parts of it work. And while struggling with that part, we begin to forget other things around it. But by doing this, we're avoiding making good parts of the picture even better by putting something opposite next to them. In this video I'll explain how you can use this 'opposite' element in your painting to help the good parts of your work shine.

A Journey in Paint & Mixedmedia: Layers of Shape and Line

A Journey in Paint & Mixedmedia: Layers of Shape and Line

I'm back on track.  And this week is a Vlog showing you a small painting I did on paper (not in my sketchbook) that I really enjoyed and helped me believe again. Watch the Vlog

How to Find the Colour and Shape Heroes in Your Abstract Painting

How to Find the Colour and Shape Heroes in Your Abstract Painting

In this week's Vlog I have made a small painting in my sketchbook following my process of building up layers. But what it demonstrates as well as building an interesting surface, and the introduction of the use of stencils is how to give strength to the hero's in the painting. Prioritizing the colour heroes as well as the shapes and elements in the painting that are important to the success of the composition.

Two Styles Of Painting From Simple Shapes

Two Styles Of Painting From Simple Shapes

So on the strength of that I thought let's play with those shapes again!! So this week, using the same shapes again - but DIFFERENTLY - I'll show you how I made a painting in a much looser style and then integrated it with the first painting which was made with an arrangement of more clearly defined shapes.

Watch the Vlog to see what I did.

How I Create Unique Shapes for Abstract Painting

How I Create Unique Shapes for Abstract Painting

If you think 'All the shapes are gone..." and struggle to come up with something new and interesting - Watch the Vlog to see one of the ways I find new shapes in my work.

Using Drawing To Solve Design Issues

Using Drawing To Solve Design Issues

In this Vlog, I talk about the composition process and show examples of Picasso's drawings. He of course didn't have a SMART phone or Photoshop to help him nut out design issues - he used pencil and paper. And his small composition studies are the perfect example of this type of drawing. Watch the Vlog to see.

Finding Clarity In Collage & Paint

Finding Clarity In Collage & Paint

This is part of my new exploration - botanicals, media, drawing...  It gets muddled in the middle but I find some clarity in the end - so stick around to the end to see where it ends up.  I like the possibilities it presents for building meaning and relevance into my work - it's a step forward I think. Watch the vlog.

Reconstructing Your Painting: From Finished to New

Reconstructing Your Painting: From Finished to New

A recent sketchbook exploration didn't fill me with unbridled joy - so I changed it. Working right over the top with collage and paint I came up with something new and much more exciting.