Creating Your Best Art

Creating Your Best Art

In this weeks Vlog I share with you two aspects of my process that I think make the biggest difference to creating my best work. Watch the Vlog.

How To Paint With Courage

How To Paint With Courage

In this week's Vlog, I'm sharing a hack with you. How to EASE yourself into being courageous while painting. Soon you'll find yourself making all those bold moves that you think only OTHER crazy kamikaze artists do...

Have a look.

What's Your Hero?

What's Your Hero?

Abstract painting can often look like 'wallpaper'. It has no focal point and the viewers eye is left to roam often unable to discern what the artist wants them to see, feel or gain from their painting. What these paintings need is a hero. Here I talk about deciding on a hero when developing an abstract painting.

Your Painting Style

Your Painting Style

How do you find your style? We all want to make authentic Art and have a recognizable style, but searching for our style and working within a style can be troublesome. Watch as I talk about how to find your style and how to keep your style alive.

Artists are WEIRD

Artists are WEIRD

I think everyone’s a little weird – even though most of the time we try to hide it. But artists are especially weird. I mean, it’s a bit looney-tunes to get really excited about a dribble of paint, or a torn edge of paper or a smudge next to a lump. Those are some of my pet loves, I wouldn’t mind betting you could match mine with a few of your own.

Permission To Paint

Permission To Paint

Do you give yourself permission to paint? When there are pressing demands on your time it’s worthwhile to evaluate the importance of the attention you give to your Art. What it means to you and why you want to spend time playing with paint.

Do You Have A Hero?

Do You Have A Hero?

I’m taking more time to mix colours that are ‘right’. Suddenly I hear a chorus of “What exactly is a ‘right’ colour?” Of course, there is no such one colour. A ‘right’ colour is one that looks absolutely gorgeous next to the colour around it. I’m not being haphazard and just seeing what appears – I’m thinking, what exactly do I want?

About Winning Art2Life 1st Prize

About Winning Art2Life 1st Prize

So last Wednesday when I sat at my computer on that Zoom call and one by one watched the other Artists get their awards and then finally when the 2nd place was announced and I knew I had won – I heard a whoop from my partner in the bedroom - and I cried…

Selling Your Art

Selling Your Art

SELLING ART. With the knee-wobbling price of art materials and given that none of us are going to stop producing it’s something that we have to deal with, like it or not. I‘ve learnt that selling Art is a long game. Read my 5 tips for selling your Art.

The Power of Pretending

The Power of Pretending

Taking doubt and hesitation completely out of our Art Practice is challenging. But what if we pretend we operate with assurance and confidence? The power of pretending can be enlightening and result in lasting change.

My Studio – What it’s REALLY like

My Studio – What it’s REALLY like

…when I have my music on, a canvas on the wall and my palette swimming in wet paint the mess, the skinks, the spiders, and the rats are not even a thing – kind of.

Painting with Total Abandon

Painting with Total Abandon

The journey from difficulty and confusion to clarity and joy. That’s the path we are all on with our Art. We are all at different stages of that path – some at the beginning bogged down among the weeds, and others further along emerging into openness where the path widens and the walking is more easy. We can kind of see the way forward – a bit.

Do the Groundwork Women!

Do the Groundwork Women!

My most recent experience of husbands getting involved with choosing artwork had not ended happily. ‘Dance Steps for Men’ was rejected by a husband (who I assumed couldn’t dance) after his poor wife had come from out of town to see it and almost had the picture hook nailed into her living room wall in anticipation.

Opposites & Aliens

Opposites & Aliens

When I paint I ask myself a series of questions. My number 1 question is: What is the Opposite of...? Finding a balance between Opposites and Relationships delivers harmony and interest in your work. Watch the video as I demonstrate using one of my favourite paintings.



How do you achieve Perspective in your practice? I’m not talking perspective achieved by ruling lines and identifying vanishing points. I’m talking about how you keep a healthy balance between the good and the not so good that happens along the way in your Art Practice.

Questions to ask...

Finishing a Painting II

Finishing a Painting II

Follow the final moves as I bring this mixedmedia painting to it’s finished state. This painting integrates photocopied images with paint and collage.

Is there ‘Precious’ in your Studio?

Is there ‘Precious’ in your Studio?

Finally, the insistent call of the outside world drags us away and we close the studio door on that tangled grid-locked mess of paint, hope, and self-belief. As we square up to the dishwasher and the dusting that secret smile is now a nagging sense of dread. Am I good enough? Why can’t I figure this out? I’ve killed my precious ….

Finishing a Painting

Finishing a Painting

Watch the finishing stage of this mixed media painting with photo collage. In this video I demonstrate how I finished the painting, analysed what it needed and made final changes.