Painting and Drawing with Nature

Painting and Drawing with Nature

Creating the most beautiful surface by layering with marks made using natural tools. I've ditched the brush and pencil and experimented with twigs, leaves, homemade brushes and other living tools. Now I'm in love!

How to Paint Flowers Without Going MAD on Detail

How to Paint Flowers Without Going MAD on Detail

What I want to paint is the FEELING of the flower - the delicacy, the nodding of the flower atop it's long stem, the curly leaves.... I want to paint the sense of the flower.

In this weeks Vlog I demonstrate how I went about doing that.

Finding Your Next Best Painting in 3 Easy Steps

Finding Your Next Best Painting in 3 Easy Steps

This video shows you an easy way to create new ideas for your next painting without spending hours, days, weeks, and months staring at blank canvases trying to think of what to paint. The answer is right in front of you, in your current work.

Eclectic Collage & Mixedmedia

Eclectic Collage & Mixedmedia

In these collages I combine collaging with scraps of detritus, collaging with prepared coloured paper, painting, and drawing. All the 'things' to bring the piece to its final design.

Watch the Vlog and then have a go yourself with the paper you prepared last week.

Building Surface To Paint On

Building Surface To Paint On

In this week's Vlog, I'm showing you how I prepared my paper for a couple of collages I did. The collages will come to you later but watch the Vlog to see what I did first.

Harmonious Color and Design Exercise

Harmonious Color and Design Exercise

As I said last week these little exercises are great for fine-tuning your DESIGN-EYE - you will become more discerning with the more you do. So watch the Vlog and see if I can't tempt you to come with me on a little DESIGN tangent!!

Simple Exercise for Abstract Design

Simple Exercise for Abstract Design

The other day I took a break from my paintings and I did a little design exercise which was fun. It's a bit like practicing your scales when you play the piano - it limbers you up, tunes the eye for when you need to analyse your paintings and make design decisions. Have a look and then have a go. Watch the Vlog.

Creating Your Best Art

Creating Your Best Art

In this weeks Vlog I share with you two aspects of my process that I think make the biggest difference to creating my best work. Watch the Vlog.

How To Paint With Courage

How To Paint With Courage

In this week's Vlog, I'm sharing a hack with you. How to EASE yourself into being courageous while painting. Soon you'll find yourself making all those bold moves that you think only OTHER crazy kamikaze artists do...

Have a look.

Paint Play: Adding & Subtracting

Paint Play: Adding & Subtracting

I've found the 'thing' or group of things then it's time to apply LESS IS MORE. So I'll start to edit and take away what I don't need. This is basically the process I use in all my work: Add, add, add... then subtract. Watch the vlog to see.

My Top Painting Tools

My Top Painting Tools

This week I thought I'd lift the lid on my TOOLBOX!! I've rummaged around and taken out my top tools that I use when making my work and I share with you WHY I like to use them.

The interesting thing about 'favourite tools' is that people believe if they "...JUST had better quality brushes, or paint... or whatever SHE/HE uses... then my work would be better.... "

Well, for some things like paint, I think you get what you pay for... but what will REALLY make your work better is not really about tools - it's about the WAY you use them. I talk about this too...

Watch the vlog

How to Get Your Painting Started- When It's Hard

How to Get Your Painting Started- When It's Hard

In this week's Vlog, I break down how I got myself into these new paintings - from actually getting myself into the studio to the first marks I made and how I moved forward.

Hope it helps if you're starting some new work or finding some resistance to keep working on some tricky paintings.

Authenticity In Your ART

Authenticity In Your ART

One of the ways I do this when I'm building my layers at the beginning of a painting is to embed the work with drawings, words, shapes, colour, and collage that has direct relevance to my life at that moment.

Watch the Vlog to see this process demonstrated in my work, and stick around to the end to see bossy old Ginny.

Soft Painting Using Sketchbook

Soft Painting Using Sketchbook

So when I decided I was well enough to spend a little time in my studio I was in a quiet frame of mind. No strong value contrasts, no loud music.... just soft colours, subtle differences and gentle play.

I switched on RECORD, and this little session in my studio is the subject of this week's Vlog.

Sketchbook Painting Exploration

Sketchbook Painting Exploration

This week's Vlog is another foray into the sketchbook. This time playing with colour, value, and collage. I talk you through the tools and materials, and the WHY I do the crazy stuff I do...

Painting With Mixed Media

Painting With Mixed Media

I made a Vlog where I played with paint and mixed media in my sketchbook. I didn't know what I was going to do, I was all out of ideas, so I just started (and filmed it on my camera, just in case). Fortunately, I liked the result, and so here it is.

Creating Textures With Collage and Black Paint

Creating Textures With Collage and Black Paint

This week's Vlog is another sketchbook exploration - this time playing around with thick and thin black paint and seeing what texture you can create with collage and black paint. Have a look!

Painting with Line

Painting with Line

This week my Vlog is an exploration in line in my sketchbook. I've been updating one of the activities in my stARTs course and it's got me really interested in a couple of things - big shapes and delicate lines. I've always been a sucker for these two, but I feel like I'm going BIGGER with the shapes and more explorative with the line.