How To Improve Your Painting by Using Contrast

How To Improve Your Painting by Using Contrast

When we're painting, we often struggle to make certain parts of it work. And while struggling with that part, we begin to forget other things around it. But by doing this, we're avoiding making good parts of the picture even better by putting something opposite next to them. In this video I'll explain how you can use this 'opposite' element in your painting to help the good parts of your work shine.

Draw like Picasso to Solve your Design Issues

Draw like Picasso to Solve your Design Issues

What can we learn from Picasso’s Sketchbook Drawings?

In this video I talk about using Drawing to find the structure in your composition. By reducing your painting down to basic lines and shapes you can start to see how you can improve the design. I also show examples of different styles and techniques that Picasso used when drawing and planning his work.

Following these techniques and methods we can discover new directions to take our work and get clarity around improving the design. We can also just have fun creating simple compositions with line, shape and basic tonal value.

Demonstrating How to Include Imagery in Abstract Art

Demonstrating How to Include Imagery in Abstract Art

Who needs Still Life, a Nude or a Landscape when you can create a painting from your thoughts and dreams? In this demonstration I build a painting by using colours, imagery, words and shapes that come straight from my subconscious. It results in a strange world, yet is somehow familiar to me and includes my pets, favourite colours and patterns. It also includes a lot which makes no sense but is somehow pleasing to me.

Watch the video and then create your strange and beautiful world.

Finding the Heroes in Your Painting

Finding the Heroes in Your Painting

Great Art has clarity. The viewer is instantly drawn to it because it doesn’t confuse or overwhelm. It’s strong in message, even if the message is only “look at this gorgeous colour” or “look at this lovely combination of shapes”. In this video I demonstrate by using one of my own paintings, showing how I improved it by getting very clear on what are the HEROES. Once I could identify these I could eliminate the distractions and make them stronger. Watch the video and then take a look at your own work with fresh eyes and a new perspective.

How to Progress when Painting is STUCK

How to Progress when Painting is STUCK

What to do when you love parts of your painting, but not all of it. In this video I talk about how I solved this problem with a painting of mine. I didn’t want to lose what I loved, but I had to make some changes. This can be daunting and involves taking a big risk - but if you’re game, the rewards are worth it. Let me show you how…

What to focus on when finishing your Abstract Painting

What to focus on when finishing your Abstract Painting

How do you know when your abstract painting is finished? In this video, I take you through the process with one of my paintings, showing you what I didn’t like about it and how I fixed it and finished the work. I talk about what I focus on and what questions I ask the painting in order to gain clarity around what steps to take next.

1. Make a big move to disrupt the work and make a big change
2. Rotate the work so you see it differently
3. Ask: What have I got?
4. Look for repetition and ask: Do I need this? Have I already got this somewhere else?
5. Is my eye led around the composition?

When you have worked through these questions, and you’re happy with the work, stand back and walk away. Look at it again after a few days to see if you still feel the same.

Who to listen to about YOUR Art

Who to listen to about YOUR Art

Seeking advice from the wrong people can derail our art and steer us in the wrong direction. It’s so important we don’t fall into the trap of asking the wrong people just because it’s convenient. We need to find company that supports our work and helps us to make our best work. When we ask the wrong people we get bad advice and it’s often biased towards making work to please others - often our nearest and dearest. In this video I talk about seeking the opinion of others, why it’s important and where to find the best advice.

A Quick Exercise to Create Good Design

A Quick Exercise to Create Good Design

Recognizing good design in your painting is imperative to being able to create successful artwork. So exercising your ‘design muscle’ so that you can recognize and create good design and correct bad design is part of an artists creative fitness routine! In this video I show you a quick exercise you can do in your sketchbook using pages from an old Calendar. Ripping these up to create new and interesting shape and linear combinations, and then improve the design by layering more collage over the top. All you need is some bold graphic collage material and some glue. Within a fun half hour you will have created a bold design that could be the inspiration for new work. Have fun!

My Painting Process from Beginning to End

My Painting Process from Beginning to End

In this video I’m creating a big red painting from beginning to end. I’m often asked how long it takes to create a painting. Well this video will give you an insight into my process. My paintings are created by going on a journey: playing, experimenting with media, and looking for direction in design by what excites me.

👉Take note of how I alternate between using acrylic paint and dry media: pencils, pastels and oil sticks.

👉Look at how I integrate collage at the beginning of the painting to provide surface interest.

👉Watch me use templates to create unique and interesting shapes.

👉Listen as I explain how I know I’m finished at the end of the video.

Playing in my Sketchbook before I paint

Playing in my Sketchbook before I paint

Playing in my Sketchbook before I paint on canvas is like stretching before going for a run. It reminds me of what I want to see in my work and sets the intention for a playful, exploratory studio session. Sometimes when trying to ‘finish’ paintings there can be a tendency to tighten up as we don’t want to mess up the good work we’ve done. But I want to remain loose and in exploration mode right up to the end - so limbering up in the sketchbook ensures my painting will stay loose and I get the effects that I love. In this video a quick 30 minute painting, starting with collage and ink led me to create a painting with loose fluid shapes and line to provide structure. Allowing the paint and ink to mix and flow provides beautiful accidental effects that speak of freedom and flow - which is exactly how a painting session should start. Try starting your painting session with a quick play in your sketchbook to set the intention for your exploration in paint.

How to Paint the FEELING of a Garden in COLOUR

How to Paint the FEELING of a Garden in COLOUR

In my sketchbook this week I explored painting some Canna Lillies. I didn’t want to paint how they looked - I wanted to paint how they felt - focusing mainly on their vibrant colour and the movement of their broad leaves and upright sturdy stems. Watch in this video how I build depth through layering with thick and thin paint, suggesting details with loose drawing and build a rich vibrant colourful painting. Pick a few stems from your garden, take time to colour match in paint and then build your beautiful paintings in layers too.

The Best Way to Get Looser with Paint - Without Losing Control

The Best Way to Get Looser with Paint - Without Losing Control

As we get more confident as artists we often want to paint with more freedom and become more loose with media. Our abstract painting can seem a little tight and contrived to begin with. So how do we let loose with the media but still maintain control with our work to achieve great results? It all comes down to how we use the tools: paint brushes, colour shapers, pencils, pens and dry media. We want the media to flow and make marks that are free and loose, we don’t want to impose too much control when using wet media: paint, acrylic ink etc. And when we use dry media we control the types of line and marks by how we hold the pencil, pastel or pen. In this video I demonstrate how to hold brushes, colour shapers, and dry media to allow the media to flow loosely while also maintaining enough control to get the painting results you want.

How to Grow in Confidence and Skill as an Artist

How to Grow in Confidence and Skill as an Artist

I believe that talent gets you to the Art Table but there are 5 essential skills you need to make good art, and talent isn’t one of them. When I started to paint seriously in 2017 I had very little self confidence and only a little more technical skill and knowledge. Now I create my own authentic art confidently and with a lot more joy in my practice. How did I transition from those insecure beginnings to where I am now? In this video I reveal what I believe I needed to acquire or practice in order to grow as an artist and establish the practice I enjoy today.

Don’t PLAN - Just PLAY to create an abstract painting

Don’t PLAN - Just PLAY to create an abstract painting

By combining paint, pencils, pastel and a little collage, you can create gorgeous effects and surprises that add life to your painting. In this video I’ll show you a few different techniques I use by combining a range of media to create an abstract painting. Keeping your work fresh and playful by varying the media and how you use it, you can create a playful abstract composition. Watch the video and then give this a try!

The BEST Way to get INSPIRED again with paint

The BEST Way to get INSPIRED again with paint

When life gets in the way of our art, it’s easy to lose our Mojo, find ourselves procrastinating and doubting our ability. Here’s a simple way to get back into your work as an artist and find the joy and love again. Watch as I explain why this happens and how to overcome negative feelings by playing a simple game with paint.

5 Methods to Build Connection with the Title of your Painting

5 Methods to Build Connection with the Title of your Painting

THe title of your painting needs to build connection and engage the viewer. But it shouldn't be too literal or narrow limiting the viewers experience. In this video I share 5 strategies to finding a great title.

How To Write An Artist's Statement

How To Write An Artist's Statement

As artists, we'll bend over backwards to encourage connection with our audience. We do it in paint and we can support that with words. For a lot of us, we find it easier in paint than words, but we can all speak so we do know how to use words.... it just takes a bit of effort and isn't as much fun.
Watch the Vlog and see how to write an Artist's Statement.